April 2, 2019 / Uncategorized Wedding
Markham Museum Wedding - Michelle + Timothy
Hi. This blog post is about Michelle and Timothy’s Markham Museum Wedding.
There’s a part of me that wants to pretend I don’t hate blogging, and just like, write a normal post like a normal photographer. This part of me wants to do SEO the right way without making a mockery of it. This part of me is… not going to win.
So let me start by talking about the most racist Markham Museum wedding I’ve ever been to
The stars of this Markham Museum Wedding (in case you forgot that the wedding was a Markham Museum wedding) were Michelle, who’s Chinese, and Timothy, who’s Filipino. I didn’t know this about the Filipino and the Chinese, but they are apparently in general competition with one another, and quite adept at heckling. From what I understand, based on the back-and-forth that took place at this wedding, Filipinos are generally on the not-quite-on-time side (and now I know two things about Filipinos). But Michelle is much much later than all of the Filipinos in the world. In fact, I took a long time to get these 2 their photos (because having a baby and surgery) and when I apologized for being late with them, Tim was like, “Sara, I’ve waited for longer for Michelle for brunch.”
I’m pretty sure she would’ve been like, really late to the wedding, but the pastor/priest guy (I dunno what he was, I’m not religious… Father singing guy) would literally have left and they would’ve been out money and not gotten married. So. Bitch was on damn time that day. UNLIKE FOR THEIR ENGAGEMENT PHOTOS. They were like an hour and a half late for that. They felt really bad, and I encouraged those feelings for fun, but I legit didn’t care an ounce ’cause they came to Cobourg and that’s where I live and it just meant I got to stay at home for an extra hour and a half and sit on my big pregnant ass. I have elected to mention their engagement photos because they’re pretty beautiful and I want to share some now. So I’m going to do that. Then I’ll probably talk more and then eventually post wedding pics.
I really wanted the hashtag #asiansincobourg to take off, but then they left… and there were no longer any Asians in Cobourg. Fuck.
But back to the Markham Museum wedding
Michelle and Timothy are very in love and very sweet and very lovely, especially to me, especially knowing how going to hell I am. I still need more content. Damnit. Should I talk about the food? They hired The Food Dudes. It was AMAZING. Those appetizers tho. Yeah, the ones I haven’t included any pictures of. #relevant
*looks around* … more links then? This girl I knew from childhood happened to be there doing Michelle’s hair. As you’ll see, it was, like, *really* good. Her name is Monique, and you can find her at Styling Your Beauty.
Ugh this got boring. I’m off my game today. But I wasn’t off my game the day of the Markham Museum Wedding, so let’s get to the piiiiiics enjoy